وأضاف دانيال هاغاري،  في إفادة عبر الإنترنت أن الجيش استولى أيضا على عشرات الآلاف من الأسلحة وملايين الوثائق في تلكا لمنطقة. وفق ما ذكرت  وكالة "رويترز".

Radware Captcha Page
Captcha Page

We apologize for the inconvenience...

...but your activity and behavior on this site made us think that you are a bot.

Note: A number of things could be going on here.

  1. If you are attempting to access this site using an anonymous Private/Proxy network, please disable that and try accessing site again.
  2. Due to previously detected malicious behavior which originated from the network you're using, please request unblock to site.
Incident ID: a00b5ecb-cf43-4fb7-917f-acc9717abf77

Please solve this CAPTCHA to request unblock to the website

وتابع  المتحدث: "نركز الآن على تفكيك حماس في وسط وجنوب قطاع غزة".